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Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Lazy Rainy Day

Today was election day.   We didn't realize there was an election until we saw something on the  Internet about a special election in our county, so we read up on  it.  Turns out  we were voting on  whether to renew an existing $100 million property tax that pays for programs  in the county's  twelve school districts that  are not adequately funded by state and federal dollars.  The measure passed overwhelmingly, but  voter turnout was abysmally low.  Although there are over 440,000 registered voters in the county, less than 27,000 or about 6% of them  turned out to vote today.

It rained  early this morning, but we were able to get to the polling place and back home while  there was a break in the weather.  Once home, though, it rained steadily almost all day. I can remember, when I was much younger, hearing older people complain about their joints in rainy weather. Now that I'm  an older person myself, I know only too well exactly what they were talking about! It's a good thing I did  the laundry  and finished shampooing the living room rug yesterday because I don't think my aching joints would have agreed to do it today.  I'm not sure they  wouldn't have complained loudly during yoga class last night either, if it had been rainy and damp yesterday. So instead of   doing all the things I'd planned, we  turned on the electric fireplace to ward off the damp and chill, and I charged up my Kindle Fire,  read a few chapters  in one of Sara Paretsky's V I Warshawski novels, then watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. Lest you think I lollygagged all day,  I did do  something constructive:  I cooked a lovely supper of  baked cod topped drizzled with white wine and topped shredded cheese and thin slices of lemon and tomato.  Baked potato and  sauteed asparagus went with it. Later, I made a  cherry topped cheesecake pie, but that's for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is  chemo treatment day so even though the weatherman says we will have a lovely day with  sunny skies most of my day will be spent in a windowless room at the clinic while tethered to an infusion pump. Then I'll come  home and sleep the rest of the day.  I do plan to  soak up as much of that sunshine as possible as we ride to and from the  clinic, and  there's a  nice big window in the bedroom for the sun to stream in.   I am looking forward to seeing the sun!


Rick Watson said...

Hope the treatment went ok. I know that must be brutal.
Let us know if we can help.

Unknown said...

The treatment went OK, thank goodness, and I crashed most of the rest of the day.