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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Carrot Conundrum

Is this just an ordinary carrot that was planted in compacted soil and grew into a forked misshapen carrot?

Or is it an overly ambitious and slightly delusional carrot who thought it could turn into a carrot person if only it could grow legs and arms....

Sadly, it got yanked before the metamorphosis was complete, so we will never know for sure.


Kathi D said...

It looks well rested, though, with those casually crossed legs.

Rurality said...

The carrot who would be a mandrake root???

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

kathi- it does look kind of laid back and content with its fate, doesn't it?

Karen- are you implying that the poor carrot is not only delusional, but delirious? Didn't wizards or whoever shape the mandrake roots to make them look human? This carrot did it all by itself, with no human intervention. Maybe it was delirious with its near-success, hence the laid back attitude...

Anonymous said...

carrot nematodes do this I believe.