I guess I’ve been so caught up in political discussions for
the last several months that I haven’t thought to post any updates about what’s happening with my
health and in my life. Quite a bit has
happened since last June as it turns
out. This account will catch me up to November. I'll try to get it all up to date in the next post, so please bear with me.
I had a CT scan on
June 22 that showed the mass in my
liver had decreased in size, so my
oncologist set me up for an appointment with a liver surgeon for a possible
resection or ablation. The surgeon
ordered an MRI, PET scan and ultrasound, and decided to do a radiofrequency
ablation rather than a resection. I was hoping we could get it done
right away, but he wanted to wait until after my next appointment with
the colorectal surgeon to get his input. Finally we got a date set and I
checked into the hospital on August 16 for the procedure.
If you’re wondering what’s involved in a radiofrequency
ablation, it can be done either surgically,
percutaneously or laparoscopically. Mine was done laparoscopically. The surgeon made five incisions, then
using ultrasound imaging as a guide, he
inserted a needle electrode into the
tumor. Since there were several
small cysts that may or may not have been cancerous, he attacked them too. Once the needle is in position in the tumor, high-frequency electrical currents
are then passed through the electrode to ground pads placed on the body,
creating focal heat that destroys the cancer cells surrounding the electrode.
It may take several zaps with the
needle in different positions to destroy the tumor. I understand the surgeon went in eight times to zap mine.
I was pretty groggy when it was all over and once the anesthesia wore off I was
pretty sore too! They kept me overnight and I was discharged the following
day. It was a few days before I could
actually walk upright in comfort!
I was scheduled to resume chemo two weeks later, but when I went in on August
31 they were unable to withdraw blood using my port. I got the blood drawn from a vein and got a shot of a declotter through the port,
but still no draw and chemo was cancelled.
It was cancelled again on Sept.
14 for the same reason, but
miraculously, the port was more cooperative on Sept. 28, and
while they were still unable to draw
blood, they were able to go ahead with the
chemo, the first one since the
ablation. When I went in for Chemo treatment number 8 on October 14, I had a
nasty pain in my neck and shoulder as
soon as they hooked up the chemo. They stopped the treatment and I was sent to
radiology for a fluoroscope to see what
was going on with the port. Turns out
that a fibrin sheaf had built up around the catheter, blocking the end, so chemo was cancelled for the day.
The docs decided that the port needed to come out and a new
one placed. The colorectal surgeon who had
done the surgery to place the port did the removal surgery on October 25. All went well but he said he would rather have a vascular surgeon place the new port, so that was scheduled for 11/22.
In the meantime my chemo
treatments were given via
a needle in my arm. Oh, how I
missed that port!