With all the news over the past few days of shootings and the ensuing Second Amendment arguments that invariably follow such tragedies claiming that gun control legislation is an attempt to seize guns owned by law-abiding citizens and to take
away Second Amendment rights, I got to wondering. . .
The Privileges and Immunities Clause, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the US Constitution guarantees the right of free movement between the states. Most people nowadays drive or ride in motor vehicles. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in 2008, Americans owned 137,079,843 passenger cars, or a little less than one car for every two people. But in order to legally drive a motor vehicle a person here in Alabama, as in other states, must obtain a license which includes taking a test to insure that he/she has the skills necessary, is physically and mentally fit to drive, and is aware of the laws related to operating a motor vehicle. Furthermore, this license has to be renewed periodically. Additionally, all vehicles must be registered, which has another set of requirements, and the vehicles must carry insurance.
The Privileges and Immunities Clause, Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the US Constitution guarantees the right of free movement between the states. Most people nowadays drive or ride in motor vehicles. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in 2008, Americans owned 137,079,843 passenger cars, or a little less than one car for every two people. But in order to legally drive a motor vehicle a person here in Alabama, as in other states, must obtain a license which includes taking a test to insure that he/she has the skills necessary, is physically and mentally fit to drive, and is aware of the laws related to operating a motor vehicle. Furthermore, this license has to be renewed periodically. Additionally, all vehicles must be registered, which has another set of requirements, and the vehicles must carry insurance.
And yet there is no great hue and cry that these
restrictions and controls infringe on a citizen’s right of free movement. Nor
is there an outpouring of outrage that
such requirements are an attempt to
take vehicles away from people. Because
people know that it just isn’t true, and the auto industry evidently has
no powerful, fear-mongering organization
equivalent to the NRA to convince them otherwise.
Guns and hunting
have been around a long time in this country, as has the National Rifle Association, but for
most of that time, people didn’t see the need to hunt defenseless
animals with semi-automatic, military-style weapons using armor- piercing
ammunition, and I’d be willing to bet that most responsible gun owners still
don’t. It seems to me this whole Second Amendment uproar is a result of manipulation and lobbying by the NRA to increase their membership and
increase gun sales during a period when fewer people own guns and a small percentage of gun owners actually hunt. For over a hundred years the NRA focused on
hunting, conservation and marksmanship. One of its programs taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely and still provides Rifle Instructor Certification for those who wish to become a Boy Scouts of America Rifle Merit Badge
Counselor. That certification requires training and testing. Ironically, the organization that believes everyone who wants to own a gun should be allowed to regardless of their fitness or ability and that opposes sensible regulation and registration for gun owners requires candidates for instructor positions to:"achieve a score of 90
percent or higher in a written examination and have a
minimum passing score of 80 out of a possible 100 points in
firearms handling, shooting competence, and firearms safety
The NRA states that "Only those candidates who
achieve satisfactory scores in the pre-course qualification, and
who meet other specified requirements for NRA instructors, are
eligible for certification." So obviously the NRA sees some value in testing and certification for certain gun owners and users. Somewhere along the way,
radicals took over the NRA and it became more political, until today it is one of the most powerful
lobbying organizations in the country, spending millions to influence
legislators and legislation. In 2014
the NRA spent $3.6 million on lobbying
against gun control legislation, which is quite a hefty sum, but is
considerably less than they spent in 2010. Forbes magazine reported that in 2010 the NRA reported that it
had 781 full time employees, 125,000 volunteers and generated revenues of
$227.8 million, but that still wasn’t enough to cover expenses. In total, they
spent $243.5 million, leaving a $15 million shortfall. That year, $10 million
went to the NRA’s lobbying arm, the Institute for Legislative Action. The NRA’s
129th convention, held in Charlotte, N.C. in 2000, became an all out political attack on Democratic
presidential candidate, Al Gore, with speeches
claiming that Gore would take
away everyone’s guns. The convention
concluded with Charlton Heston, then president of the NRA, making his famous speech in which, in true movie star style, he
brandished a musket in the air, challenging Gore, stating, “ especially for
you, Mr. Gore: From my cold, dead hands!"
Today, there are too
many “cold dead hands”, too many dead children, too many troubled youth who see
guns as the way to end their problems and too many paranoid people who have
been stirred up into a frenzy by fear-mongering entities like the NRA who
spread misinformation, and hatred. Yes, the 2nd Amendment guarantees
the right of free citizens to bear arms.
That is not in dispute. But that right, like all the others granted in
the Bill of Rights, is not absolute.
Rights carry with them limitations and restrictions. Even the very conservative Supreme Court
majority, in their 2008 ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, note
that, “Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not
a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and
for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been
upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not
be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of
firearms by
felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying
of fire-arms in sensitive places
such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing
conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”
Why is that so hard
for some people to understand? How many more mass shootings at schools and workplaces, how many instances of children shooting each other will it take before people say, "ENOUGH!"?