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Sunday, April 01, 2018

Is Spring Here To Stay This Time?

I do hope Mother Nature is finished playing tricks on us and that spring is here to stay. I still don't trust her, though.  She played a very mean trick on us in  1987 when  rain was predicted for April 2nd and  3rd.  Somehow, during the early hours of April 3rd that year the temperature dropped into the low 40s and the rain changed to snow.  By the time it was finished we had about six inches of snow in the Birmingham area.  It melted quickly, but still it just didn't seem right to see the spring flowers  shivering in the snow.

Here are some pics of  what's blooming in our yard today.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that they  can continue to enjoy the warm  kiss of the sun instead of shivering under a chilly white blanket.  

 These wood hyacinths pop up every year.  I didn't plant them, we think the birds or other critters might be responsible.

The  single clump of  Star of Bethlemen with its  interesting white blooms is another  critter-aided   landscape feature that pops up every spring.

I did plant these roses, they   began as a cutting from a friend's garden.  I  thought it was a cutting from her Cecile Brunner roses, but it obviously wasn't and I have no idea what they actually are. They are  beautiful and fragrant  anyway.

This lovely little beauty is  the  white Lady Banks on the arbor. The flowers are so tiny and delicate but the  canes grow like crazy and threaten to take over the world if not  kept in check. Fortunately,  it is virtually thornless so  when the canes reach out to grab you as you pass by they don't stab you!

Despite their shy nature, Wild violets  like to make an appearance every spring.  These  are hiding just under the edge of the deck.

The chives are beginning to bloom and are loaded with  buds.

We may have   quite a few blueberries  later in the summer, if the birds decide to  share with us.

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