I may have overdone it by going to the market on
Saturday. I spent most of Sunday
feeling weak and woozy, which was most frustrating. I did get a few things
accomplished but not much. I decided on something simple for supper, so
made a chicken and avocado salad
with almond/orange dressing, using a
recipe from Annabel Langbein’s cookbook.
The chicken was surprisingly tender and juicy, which was a surprise
since most of the breasts we’ve cooked lately have been tough and tasteless.
I’ll probably use her method of poaching chicken using mostly residual heat,
from now on.
By Monday I was feeling a little more energetic and got
plenty of exercise by going up and down the basement stairs to do several loads
of laundry. For only two people Mr. G and I seem to have a lot of dirty
laundry. Sometimes, when I view the pile of laundry that needs to be washed, I
wonder if someone isn’t sneaking in
and dropping off their laundry hoping I won’t notice. But alas, it is all ours. After getting the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away, I decided to cook some of the shiitake
mushrooms we had bought on Saturday. I
chopped about half of them, along with some white mushrooms I already had, and
made a mushroom velouté. I don't know if it was the mushrooms or just time doing its thing, but I do feel more energetic today and not nearly as fatigued as I have been feeling.
I had hoped that when my energy level improved we’d be able
to get some things done in the garden, but the weather hasn’t been
cooperative- it’s been rainy, windy,
cloudy and generally not good weather
for being outside, and it looks like the forecast is calling for more of the
same. There’s plenty that needs to
be one inside, so I won’t be idle- but
it’s more fun to be outside playing in
the dirt! Meanwhile, I’ll look at
pictures of past efforts in the garden and keep hoping I’ll be able to
get out there soon to finish
weeding and bed prepping and get on to the business of planting! Last year, not sure how I was going to react to the chemotherapy, I pretty much did my gardening on the deck, in containers,
which worked out well, as
you can see from these pics,
but I’d like to get some stuff in the ground again this year, and rework my little raised beds again These
pics are from 2014, and that’s what I’m aiming for, as well as having a nice deck garden again. Except for the Squash. I will not grow squash. Squash vine borers and other critters that have attacked my squash plants every year leaving a limp and wilted mess rather than the nice healthy robust plants I began with have convinced me that I am no match for them. I have tried every non-toxic remedy I could find, to no avail. I admit defeat. I will concentrate my efforts instead on picking off the tobacco hornworms that seek to destroy the tomatoes every year. Organic gardening in the Deep South is a challenge. I love a challenge- as long as it isn't TOO challenging ;-)